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How to Use

When calling this, you should know that whatever you input should be a three letter country code. If you do not put a country code in, this will just return whatever you entered. For the TMMC driver template, type the code for what country you want after "|country=" and it will appear properly formatted for you.

Input Output
ARG ARG.png Argentinian
AUS AUS.png Australian
AUT AUT.png Austrian
BEL BEL.png Belgian
BLR BLR.png Belorussian
BRA BRA.png Brazilian
BUL BLR.png Bulgarian
CAN CND.png Canadian
CHN CHN.png Chinese
COL COL.png Colombian
CZH CZH.png Czech
DEU GER.png German
DEN DEN.png Danish
ENG ENG.png English
ESP ESP.png Spanish
FIN FIN.png Finnish
FRA FRA.png French
GBR GBR.png British
GER GER.png German
GRC GRE.png Greek
IND IND.png Indian
IRE IRE.png Irish
ITA ITA.png Italian
JPN JPN.png Japanese
KOR SKO.png South Korean
MEX MEX.png Mexican
NED NED.png Dutch
NIR NIR.png Northern Irish
NOR NOR.png Norwegian
NZL NZL.png New Zealander
PAK PAK.png Pakistani
POR POR.png Portuguese
PRC PRC.png Puerto Rican
RSA RSA.png South African
RUS RUS.png Russian
SAF RSA.png South African
SEA SEA.png Sealander
SCO SCO.png Scottish
SKO SKO.png South Korean
SPN ESP.png Spanish
SRB SRB.png Serbian
SWE SWE.png Swedish
SUI SUI.png Swiss
THA THA.png Thai
UK GBR.png British
UKR UKR.png Ukranian
USA USA.png American
VEN VEN.png Venezuelan
WAL WAL.png Welsh