Buffalo Downs

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Buffalo Downs
Location Buffalo, WY
Races 2010 ARLA Elite Series Buffalo 125
2011 ARLA Elite Series OX200 @ Buffalo Downs

Buffalo Downs is a 1-mile (1.609-km) dirt track located in Buffalo, Wyoming. It has the distinction of being the first dirt track to appear on the ARLA Elite Series schedule since 2007.

Buffalo Downs is the home track to the Riggs racing family. It was speculated that the Riggs' lobbied ARLA officials to have this track added to the schedule.

The track, owned by Gilbert Stansfield until December 2011, has been hosting ARLA Elite Series races since 2010, but despite that, the track has been strapped for cash and heavily criticized for its lack of safety features.

2011 purchase[edit | edit source]

Buffalo Downs was purchased the week prior to Christmas 2011 by the Little racing family with additional backing being provided by Yellowstone Coal and Amish Country Crude. According to a press release, the Littles planned on renovating the entire property. The plans included reconfiguring the track surface and planting new grass, as well as repaving and widening the access road to the infield (which infamously travels across the racing surface on the backstretch). It is expected that bleachers will be constructed as well, as the track previously lacked proper seating for its entire existence.